Re: Wag the Dog (1997)
| Added by Joe Rickey on 2004-05-02 21:13:43 |
'Wag the Dog' is a great example of a satire and, as evidenced by my top 10 list, one of my favorite films. It's too bad that Levinson decides to direct films that have no hope from the start like Envy, which had such a dumb premise that it wasn't likely a good film could come from it.
Re: Wag the Dog (1997)
| Added by John Ulmer on 2004-05-03 06:24:51 |
Levinson has made some major blunders in his career, most notably Toys and Envy, but when he chooses the right material he can turn out very good films -- Diner, Rain Man, Sleepers, Tin Men, Liberty Heights, and of course, Wag the Dog.
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