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Bloodline (1979)

Visitor Comments

Re: Bloodline (1979)
Added by Bill King   on 2004-05-02 11:59:39

Not one of Audrey's best, but I don't think it's all bad (I think her worst movie is "The Unforgiven"). The whole snuff film subplot was unnecessary, but I got into the whole mystery aspect of it. I saw it late last year, and I just don't recall any generic shots.


Re: Bloodline (1979)
Added by angel (email) on 2004-08-10 15:19:23

When you READ the novel it is the same experience - your time is wasted for a butchered, unsatisfying ending, leaving loose threads and unanswered questions:
who were the snuffs produced for?
if for Alec, where did he get the money for it??? he was blackmailed and unable to pay his wifes bills at the time.
If they were produced by Alec, who were the accomplices? Who was the phony detective?
What what involvment of the phony guide who killed Sam - was it one of the bankers?
Did Alec give up to blackmail of criminals and shipped drugs to them?
did the wife of Ivo find out and what came out of it?
What was Helene's involvement in all this? she seemed so determined.
Where did husband of Helenes run away to, and where did he get the funds?
the reasons for Alecs crazyness remains unknown(in the end, we're give a vauge hint that he's behind the girls killings).
Why Anna is kept prisoner in her own home??? Why is her husband wondering around telling psichiatrists he's homicidal?
mister sheldon had to go to the restroom when writing the end of this truly mysterious least the video took less time to torture the viewer.
by the way if anyone can still answer me the above questions i'd be very greatful.

Re: Bloodline (1979)
Added by Jake   on 2004-09-15 22:34:13

Offhand I know the answers to a few of those, and the rest I remember knowing whenever I last read the book, but then again I'd be explaining the plot of a Sidney Sheldon novel and life is just too short.

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