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Ella Enchanted (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Ella Enchanted (2004)
Added by Greg Ursic   on 2004-04-20 20:39:51

As a huge Princess Bride fan, I thought this would be fun - I was sadly disappointed: not only did it try to rip off PB, Shrek, The Adventures of Robin Hood (animated), and other films, it simply wasn't funny.

Definitely not enchanting.


Re: Ella Enchanted (2004)
Added by Becka (email) on 2004-05-05 18:35:32

You must be adults!
Ella Enchanted is a movie more for kids, and how do you know how we think? Oh right I forgot, you don't! You don't get it so don't go posting bad reviews about it.

Enchanting! And for kids/pre-teens!

Re: Ella Enchanted (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-08 02:19:52

Yes, I am an adult but a successful family film is able to appeal to adults as well as children. Ella Enchanted is not a film that accomplishes that goal.

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