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Urban Legend (1998)

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Re: Urban Legend (1998)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-03-24 20:22:07

As bad as Urban Legend is, it looks like a masterpiece when compared to its sequel, Urban Legend: Final Cut. Lucky for us, a third film is coming direct-to-video sometime in late 2004.

Re: Urban Legend (1998)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-25 05:04:55

Ugh. I heard about the sequel but have not seen it. I don't really want to, either! :)

The problem with any smash movie (e.g. I Know What You Did Last Summer) is that they spawn these unnecessary retread sequels. I think Halloween 9/10/11/etc. is coming out next year, along with more Friday and Nightmare sequels and hybrid crossovers (Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael). How many times can you make the same movie?

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