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Secret Window (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Secret Window (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-03-19 14:36:08

Hmm, call me crazy, but I enjoyed Secret Window. Sure, it was at times not entirely believable but Depp was fantastic and I found the ending to be very well done.

Re: Secret Window (2004)
Added by Brodie James (email, web) on 2004-03-19 18:39:55

Diff'rent strokes I suppose. Personally, I felt insulted by the ending. There was nothing in the first two acts to indicate that the third act would go down as it did. While I'm all for interesting twists, this one was just too out of the blue.

I also think Depp was good, but his acting job was not enough to overcome the negative, in my opinion.

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