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Beyond the Mat (1999)

Visitor Comments

Re: Beyond the Mat (1999)
Added by Gizmola   on 2004-03-17 22:01:17

I've seen this film as well and it really does a great job of showing the physical and emotional cost for the participants. I'm hard pressed to understand the appeal of pro wrestling, to me it seems corny and ludicrous, although my brother loved it as a kid and continues to be a fan to this day. There are a couple of different types of circuits wrestlers usually have to go through on the way to stardom, one of which is a more raw low budget circuit that features a lot more blood and violence. The blood is real, self induced by the wreslters themselves, usually by hiding a small razor and cutting themselves on the forehead. If you look at some of the more famous wrestlers, people like Hulk Hogan, Jesse Ventura or Roddy Piper, you'll notice they all have the same riddle of scarring on their foreheads from this practice. As far as I'm concerned any entertainment that involves it's stars mutilating themselves to satisfy the bloodlust of their fans is something we could certainly do without. But that's just my opinion.

Re: Beyond the Mat (1999)
Added by ursic   on 2004-03-18 17:16:38

Pro wrestling is pretty ridiculous, which is why people watch it: you have the battle of good vs evil, contrived storylines, testosterone and gorgeous scantily clad women, essentially it's a crazy soap opera for guys.

As you've noted, most spend a long time paying their dues, and it can be a painful process: I happened to catch a marathon of "Tough Enough" when I was in bed with the flu one weekend and even though the winners got fast tracked, you couldn't pay me enough (okay, maybe you could, but it would have to be a whole lot...) to undergo the regime of training they endured. I've also caught a cold tryout they held to get potentials, and several guys who had played pro football said they had never trained so hard.

"As far as I'm concerned any entertainment that involves it's stars mutilating themselves to satisfy the bloodlust of their fans is something we could certainly do without." I agree that it's pretty extreme, but when you have people like Mike Tyson biting someone's ear off, and the motley assortment of contenders that have been around for a long time, one could argue the same thing about boxing. At least wrestling acknowledges how ludicrous it all it.

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