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Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Visitor Comments

Re: Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Added by Dave (email) on 2006-05-04 17:34:18

I think you need to enjoy the movie for what it is and not for what the reviewer wants it to be. This is no anti war movie anymore then it is a pro war movie. It's a comedy, a great one, that's all. I think when you start putting your political beliefs into a review of a movie that is a stright up comedy you need to take some time off. Do rent or buy this movie and enjoy and don't think to hard about it.

Liberalism and movies
Added by Fbird65 (email) on 2006-07-19 00:05:54

Dont compare this classic to that idiot Geoge Clueless Clooney. He is a LOUSY actor with a liberal agenda. Kelly's Heros is a GREAT movie and I dont see it as anti war. I see it at a comedy with som great reproductions of WWII equipment. AKA the Tiger Tank.

It would figure one would try and rip on both President Bush Sr. and Jr. while trying to review a movie that was done LONG before anyone knew either one of them. Drop trying to tie it with what is going on today. This is a fun movie with great actors, actors Clooney and Walberg couldn't hold a candle to.

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