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Cruel Intentions (1999)

Visitor Comments

Your Review is Crap!
Added by Jess (email) on 2005-04-06 15:50:48

your review is so ridiculous! I'm sorry but do you have a grudge against the actors in this movie or something? They all did just fine, and because of their hard work, the movie was successful! This movie is drama and is not intended to make the audience laugh hence, drama. You don't have any right critisizing the actors in this movie because they all did a hell of alot better than you could write a review anyday!

Re: Cruel Intentions (1999)
Added by John   on 2005-04-15 06:33:00

Let me guess: You like the stars, you have a poster of the guy on your wall, you liked "White Noise" and "The Grudge," you haven't seen the original, you watch MTV, you listen to Britney Spears, you don't know that "anyday" and "alot" are separate words... I digress.

>> You don't have any right critisizing the actors in this movie because they all did a hell of alot better than you could write a review anyday!

Well ignoring the fact that reviews have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with acting abilities... according to Free Speech, I could say "Going Overboard" is superior to this bloated mess and still have a "right" to do so.

>>They all did just fine, and because of their hard work, the movie was successful!

I'm thinking it was more because of the fact that they're hugely popular amongst the teenagers who went to go see this film and the marketing was heavy and, oh yeah, the lesbian kiss - which attracted the guys to go see it...

Added by Nico   on 2005-09-18 00:11:51

Wow, this is the first time I see a review of this movie actualy express what I really felt.
you hit the nail right on the Head.

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