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Prozac Nation (2001)

Visitor Comments

Re: Prozac Nation (2001)
Added by Jake   on 2004-08-11 13:54:38

Speaking of it being on the shelf, how did you get to see this? As far as I know it remains unreleased, though there was a flurry of press about it a while ago that didn't go anywhere. It doesn't sound worth it even for bad movie fans such as myself, but "on the shelf" are the three magic words that will automatically perk up my interest.

Re: Prozac Nation (2001)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-08-15 03:32:52

Well if "on the shelf" material is in your ballpark, check it out. This is definitely a dust-collector. I saw a screener one of the local blockbusters near where I live attained.

Re: Prozac Nation (2001)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2005-03-24 18:50:32

For anyone interested, I heard that this film will make its debut on the Starz! Movie Channel sometime in the near future. For any more info, one can check out

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