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The Good Son (1993)

Visitor Comments

Added by dalton tin   on 2005-03-07 13:31:08

the move (the good son) was ful of spine chiling twists and turns . Who would have ever pictured 11 year old Kulkin as a murderer even in Hollywood that is just sick!!!!

Bit Harsh
Added by C dog (email) on 2005-07-19 11:08:32

Okay so we all get the fact that you don't actuallly like Mr Culkin, but for a child of that age to play a part like that, takes some skill, and what do you know about acting? His father, kid culkin forced him into this movie, he was just a kid doing what most do, reading the lines how they interpret them or mainly, how they have been told. Granted, the film is a bit daft, and flopped and also ruined his career becuase he had that cheecky persona before the good son. But in his hayday, culkin was a hit, and more than held his own with pesci and john heard in both Home alones. And hailey Joal Osmond? Give me a break, his eyes are alway's stuck up like he is on cocaine or something, he's had one tag line .... I see dead people, and now he is in some PG Rated comedy about animals for christ sake, becuase like culkin and most child actors, his face is now ugly and, he can't act.

Re: Good Son, The (1993)
Added by emily (email, web) on 2006-04-12 13:44:00

I think Maculkay Culkin rocks! whoever has the guts to say he doesn't is lying. I haven't personally seen the movie. But, the commercials lok good and I am dying to see it. Plus I can live with scary twisted movies I watch them ALL the time and I am 11. Good DAY TO Y'ALL!

I LIKE Scary Movies
Added by Samantha (email, web) on 2006-04-12 13:49:01

I love scary movies and I personally like the movies Maculkay Culkin has been in. Not that I have actually seen the movie. But, it sounds good. But, I am not sure about The guy who plays Frodo Baggins being in it. But since he is the good one I guess it is OK.

I LIKE Scary Movies
Added by Samantha (email, web) on 2006-04-12 13:49:13

I love scary movies and I personally like the movies Maculkay Culkin has been in. Not that I have actually seen the movie. But, it sounds good. But, I am not sure about The guy who plays Frodo Baggins being in it. But since he is the good one I guess it is OK.

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