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The Patriot (2000)

Visitor Comments

Re: Patriot, The (2000)
Added by A Brit   on 2004-05-02 13:05:11

It's people like you, and films like this that mean America is hated so much across the globe.

Re: Patriot, The (2000)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-06-03 09:34:22

Thank you. Incidentally it was directed by a Dutchman.

Personally I grow weary of Brits attacking Mel Gibson and any American film such as this. It's entertainment, NOT a history lesson. Mel is pretty much one of the most loathed celebrities in the UK right now. His films have statistically bombed compared to the US (The Patriot and Braveheart, according to a news article, were bashed by critics and unseen by most cinemagoers). It doesn't help that he made The Passion of the Christ.

I think this is absolutely silly and accusations of Mel being anti-Brits and anti-Semitic and anti-whatever are tiring.

Re: Patriot, The (2000)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-06-04 00:10:28

I was reading the day of tomorrow review and clicked on emmerich's name to see what other movies of his we have reviewd. Saw The Patriot, so I clicked on it. John, you can be a very talented reviewer if you stopped babbling. You incoherently ramble and I almost did not want to finish the review. You sound like the guy from Ain't It Cool and I cannot stand to read his reviews. Not only does he talk about the movie, he talks about how he got to the movie, what he was wearing, etc. Try to be more concise!

And I'm not attacking you, just trying to lend some constructive criticism.

Re: Patriot, The (2000)
Added by ben harper   on 2004-08-06 15:45:33

i thought this review was good...patriot is one of the best movies ever...i'm english and i don't hate mel gibson...but your right it seems a lot of people in england hate mum used to like him in the 80's she said but after he got anti-british she stopped watching his movies (like bravaheart).

Re: Patriot, The (2000)
Added by ben harper   on 2004-08-06 15:46:27

by the way signs is the best movie i heard village sux but it hasnt come out here yet.

poor review
Added by harriet beeson (email) on 2005-03-22 12:39:43

This is possibly the worst review I have ever read. Apart from the views that.....Patriot was a great film etc, I think the writer has failed to understand the purpose of a 'review'.

Stick to talking about the film, director, actors, characters and techniques/plot. A review is not the place for offloading your own agenda. It is not the place to go off on a tangent about other representations of national characters, as you have done regarding the tv burger advert! This has nothing to do with The Patriot, and therefore is irrelevant drivel.

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