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Hud (1963)

Visitor Comments

Re: Hud (1963)
Added by harry   on 2004-02-25 16:57:58

this is the best review on this site, see how short it is and see how uninderstanible the words are? hell i don't even understand what the hell this guy is saying but its more fun to read than ulmer's he has too many reviews carl langley should have more ulmer's should be deleted so carl can review more...he's better at reviewing...he uses words no one can understand which makes him a really good critic.

Re: Hud (1963)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-02-26 21:19:28

Look John, if this is you, why dont you stop it. Im sorry you have been ridiculed, but it wasnt by me and you do not have to start posting on my reviews just b/c you are getting comments you dont appreciate on yours. Furthermore, Im sorry you are 15 and dont have a wide vocabulary yet, but that will come b/c that is what high school is for. Do not post again on any of my reviews unless you have something positive or some constructive criticsm.

Re: Hud (1963)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-02-27 20:16:56

I didn't even know this comment was here until I just read your post on the message boards. No, this person is not me. And I understand your writing perfectly fine, thank you. My vocabulary is past the high school and college level; I'm now taking a study in Latin roots since I skipped a bunch of grades in grammar. I guess it comes from reading so many books at a young age. I have no idea! But it's pretty sad when I explain an Internet username to my friends and say, "...hence the name" and they all say, "Your name is hence?"


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