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Little Big Man (1970)

Visitor Comments

Re: Little Big Man (1970)
Added by Harry   on 2004-02-22 22:04:57

Gee, a 4 1/2 star movie, i am suprised you didnt give it that extra half star! jack ass...

Re: Little Big Man (1970)
Added by John Ulmer (email) on 2004-02-25 15:42:34


I give a movie five stars and you complain.

I give a movie 4.5 and you complain that I didn't give it five.

I'll tell you, I'm having a fun time playing this contradiction game.

Re: Little Big Man (1970)
Added by kiambe (email) on 2004-10-17 16:14:13

Maybe only 4 stars

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