The Movie Gurus of are an internationally located co-operative group of Film lovers united by an interest in movies.
The staff screens feature length films and documentaries of an hour or more in length in theaters, at Film Festivals, and on DvD. Occasionally we also review notable shorts or collections. Unlike many other review sites, our reviews tend toward an in-depth analysis of the film, and offer a rating against a carefully considered 5 star (with halves) scale.
We hope you enjoy your visit, and welcome your questions and comments. All comments are moderated and reviewed.
"Brotherhood of the Wolf" is a bombastic frenetically paced French film that gleefully borrows from the Horror, martial arts, and historical costume genres, managing to blend these ingredients in an authoritative and thoroughly crowd pleasing fashion that will appeal to most audiences in search of a good old matinee style movie. The film is based on events which transpired in Lozere France (an area of countryside south of Paris) from 1763-1767, and about which there remains an unresolved mystery. What is known is that something attacked, killed and ate around 100 people, many of them women...
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